Helen Moffett

AboutHelen Moffett

Helen Moffett is an author, editor, poet, academic and activist. She has a PhD from the University of Cape Town, was a President’s Fellow at Princeton University, and has held post-doctoral fellowships at Mount Holyoke College, Emory University and UCT’s African Gender Institute. She has lectured as far afield as Trinidad and Alaska, but calls Cape Town home. Her publications include university textbooks, a treasury of landscape writings (Lovely Beyond Any Singing), a cricket book (with the late Bob Woolmer and Tim Noakes), an animal charity anthology (Stray, with Diane Awerbuck) and the Girl Walks In erotica series (with Sarah Lotz and Paige Nick). She has also published two poetry collections – Strange Fruit (Modjaji Books) and Prunings (uHlanga Press), with the latter joint winner of the 2017 SALA prize for poetry. She has edited the last three Short Story Day Africa anthologies, Migrations, ID and Hotel Africa. She has written a memoir of Rape Crisis, and two green handbooks: 101 Water-wise Ways and Wise About Waste: 150+ ways to help the planet. Her wordless book for children, Toast, created with artist Alex Latimer and designer Jennifer Jacobs was the hundredth title published by literacy NPO Book Dash. She is a contributor to the popular Feminism Is and Living While Feminist essay collections, edited by Jen Thorpe, as well as numerous other essays, journal articles and media pieces. Her first novel, Charlotte (a Pride & Prejudice sequel), was published by Bonnier in the UK in 2020, and she is currently at work on the follow-up. She blogs at https://www.helenmoffett.com/ and can be found on Twitter @heckitty.