Coralie Trotter

AboutCoralie Trotter

Coralie Trotter  has thirty-three years of clinical experience in psychoanalytic private practice. Coralie initially did an Honours degree in Dramatic Art before embarking on her studies to become a Clinical Psychologist, and later, a Psychoanalyst. Coralie worked as a volunteer for the Detainees Counseling Service and the 702 Crisis Centre during the late eighties and early nineties. She supervised the clinical students for ten years at the University of the Witwatersrand and debriefed the clinical team at the Trauma Clinic (Centre for Violence and Reconciliation). Her training work includes formal teaching as well as professional development of clinicians in various and numerous psychoanalytic groups, most notably Groups for the Reading and Study of Psychoanalysis (GRASP), which is Coralie’s own initiative. In 2017, Coralie was asked by Section27 to be an expert witness for the Life Esidimeni Arbitration Hearing. The expert report and oral testimony presented at the Alternative Dispute Resolution Process led to a landmark legal judgment. It was awarded first prize by the International Psychoanalytic Association for the law and psychoanalysis. Coralie Trotter has presented papers at local and international conferences.